
(New 2022) Frequency ALhayat TV Nilesat - Nilesat

Al Hayat Channel frequencies

Frequency ALhayat TV

Watch Al Hayat Channel the Egyptian Cinema Series and Drama Channel for free on your TV, Just add the frequency bellow to you satellite parameters and enjoy watching Al-Hayat TV live streaming via satellite transmission.

 Alhayat, Alahayat 2, Alhayat Alaan, Al Hayat Wannas, Al Hayat Musalsalat  frequencies :

The frequency of Alhayat: Life Channel, Alahayat 2, Alhayat Alaan, Al Hayat Wannas, Al Hayat Musalsalat are given bellow for free, Just point your Dish to 7° West and Search for the Right Frequency to get the channel on your device.

All Frequencies of Al Hayat Channels on Eutelsat:

Channel Name Satellite Position Frequency Polarity Symbole - Rate
Al Hayat Eutelsat 7 West A 7.0?W 11257.61 Horizontal 27500 5/6
Al Hayat Nilesat 201 7.0?W 12207.00 Vertical 27500 3/4
Al Hayat / Life Channel Hot Bird 13C 13.0?E 11240.00 Vertical 27500 3/4
Al Hayat 2 Nilesat 201 7.0?W 12015.00 Vertical 27500 5/6
Al Hayat Musalsalat Eutelsat 7 West A 7.0?W 12437.14 Vertical 27500 5/6
AlHayah Alaan Eutelsat 7 West A 7.0?W 11487.77 Horizontal 27500 5/6
Alhayat We Alnas Nilesat 201 7.0?W 12207.00 Vertical 27500 3/4

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